Media Studies A-Level (Eduqas)

Course Overview

Through studying Media Studies you will view, evaluate and analyse a variety of media products, and develop practical skills spanning a range of media.

A level Media Studies gives you transferable skills for future careers and experience that prepares you if you choose to progress with your study.

In addition to the broad coverage of all nine media forms, you will engage in the in-depth study of at least one audio-visual, one print and one online social and participatory media form.  Each in-depth study will link the specified media form to all four areas of the theoretical framework; Genre, Narrative, Representation and Audience. 



Component 1: Media Products, Industries and Audiences
Written examination: 2 hours 15 minutes 
35% of qualification 
The examination assesses media language, representation, media industries, audiences and media contexts. It consists of two sections:

Section A: Analysing Media Language and Representation 
This section assesses media language and representation in relation to two of the following media forms: advertising, marketing, music video or newspapers.
There are two questions in this section: 
• one question assessing media language in relation to an unseen audio-visual or print resource 
• one extended response comparison question assessing representation in one set product and an unseen audio-visual or print resource in relation to media contexts.
Section B: Understanding Media Industries and Audiences 
This section assesses two of the following media forms – advertising, marketing, film, newspapers, radio, video games - and media contexts. 
It includes: 
• one stepped question on media industries 
• one stepped question on audiences.   

Component 2: Media Forms and Products in Depth
Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes 
35% of qualification 
The examination assesses media language, representation, media industries, audiences and media contexts. It consists of three sections:
Section A – Television in the Global Age 
There will be one two-part question or one extended response question. 
Section B – Magazines: Mainstream and Alternative Media 
There will be one two-part question or one extended response question. 
Section C – Media in the Online Age 
There will be one two-part question or one extended response question. 

Component 3: Cross-Media Production 
Non exam assessment 
30% of qualification

An individual cross-media production based on two forms in response to a choice of briefs set by WJEC, applying knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework and digital convergence.  

This course prepares you for virtually any job within the media industry such as:  Director / Scriptwriter / Animator / Sound Engineer / Camera Operator / Editor / Journalist / Presenter / Marketing / Photojournalist / jobs within the Advertising Industry / jobs within the Film Industry etc.

You should be on track to achieve a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grades 4 - 9, including a grade 5 in English Language.