Exam Information

If you are planning on buying a revision guide for a subject or wish to look on the examination board website you will need to know which exam board the subject is using.

Additional information may be found on the noticeboards in the sixth form corridor nearer the time of the examination.

You must know:
  • Your candidate/exam number, these are the same number.
  • Dates and times of exams.
  • You must not have your mobile phone, Ipod or electronic communication/storage device in your possession.
  • You must arrive for your examination 15 minutes before the start with the correct equipment.
  • You must use a black pen.

Please contact the school if you have an appointment or are trying to book a Holiday.

Absence is only agreed in exceptional circumstances and Mr Liley will not authorise  any absence for students  immediately before or during the Exam Period.

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