Examination Course: OCR Course: J813
Sports Studies is a very practical course where only 25% of the assessed work is completed via a written exam. Below shows the 4 units which we currently deliver, however, we sometimes change the final two for individual students to support their learning:
Unit 1 – Contemporary issues in sport (External exam)
This exam is 1 hour and is taken in January on their first year of study (Year 10). We have plenty of teaching and revision material which fully prepares the students for the exam.
Unit 2 - Developing Sports Skills (Internally assessed)
Students are assessed in both team and individual sports during their lessons. Students will also need to keep an officiating log for one sport and be assessed by a course teacher officiating a fixture. They will need to evaluate their sports performance. Finally, they will plan and complete a training programme logging their performance over time. As students are assessed in their practical ability in a range of sports, it is essential that they have a positive history of participation and engagement in PE lessons.
Unit 3 - Sports Leadership (Internally assessed)
This unit focuses on qualities, responsibilities and leadership styles. Students will plan and deliver safe and successful activity sessions whilst being assessed by the class teacher. To achieve the top grades they will need to effectively evaluate their leadership performance identifying strengths and areas to improve.
Unit 4 - Developing Knowledge and skills in Outdoor Activities (Internally assessed)
Students will experience a variety of outdoor activities during which they will be assessed on their performance. They will plan how an activity would be taught to children as well as take part in and demonstrate their knowledge and skill in outdoor activities.
How students are assessed
For each learning objective in each unit, there are three marking bands with specific marks in each band. Each learning objective is normally out of 15 marks and each unit is out of 60 marks (total of 240 marks for the course). The students will achieve grades for each learning aim and build up their marks over each unit. Their final grade is the sum of all their marks added together.
Below is a table showing how the students achieve the grades.

A L2 Merit grade is equivalent to a 5
A L2 Distinction is equivalent to a 6 and 7
A L2 Distinction* is equivalent to an 8