Uniform and Equipment

The transition from primary school to secondary school is an exciting and challenging time for children. They need their parents’ support to help them prepare for the changes they face. The first step is to gather all the things they will need, and name everything clearly!

The uniform policy and list of appropriate and prohibited items are on the school website.  Please read this carefully.

The School will expect our uniform code to be followed and all non-uniform items will need to be changed.

IMPORTANT:  If your child is out of school uniform, for any reason, they will need a note from you and then they can go to Student Services first thing in the morning to get a  permission card for the missing uniform. Genuine medical or SEND reasons require a card signed by a member of the pastoral team.

Uniform Guide

Uniform Policy

Personal organisation is one of the greatest challenges to new students. Here are some tips:

  • Get used to your two-week timetable by checking it every night to get ready for the next day.
  • Log on to your school Gmail and ClassCharts at least once a day to check for messages, emails, and timetable. Get your parent or carer to do this with you for the first week or so.
  • Get a sturdy school bag, which is big enough to carry all your books, and other equipment – a rucksack is the option for many students.
  • Apply for a locker. To do this you must provide a padlock, which for security reasons must have a shackle diameter of 7mm (min) and 9mm (max). Body width should be approximately 40mm. Overall height of the padlock should be no more than 70mm. This is essential to fit our lockers. Only Year 7 and 8 are allowed lockers due to a limit on space.


Lastly and most importantly, you need the following equipment for lessons:

Equipment List

This is compulsory so that students are well prepared for tasks in class that require all of this equipment. Any missing items will result in a signature for missing equipment on the student's standards cards.

Aerosol deodorants, hairsprays etc. are not allowed in school, including water based aerosols.  We do insist that these are not brought onto the school site as we have had acute asthmatic reactions and students/staff with other respiratory needs, which have required hospitalisation.