Requests for Absence

Absence request form

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of students we use a texting system for the first day of a student’s absence. We do urge parents to call by 8.30am  on any occasion their child/children will be absent and not wait for the automated system to contact them. 

Please be aware that the Government have changed the regulations and we are not allowed to approve holidays in the school year except in exceptional circumstances. They will be marked as an unauthorised absence so you will be at risk of being issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice fine.

For children with long term illness or frequent illness, medical evidence will need to be seen from your GP.

Remember good attendance results in achievement so try to get as near to 100% as possible.

Contacts for enquiries relating to absence:

Year Group Year Team Assistant Direct Dial Numbers Extension Numbers
Years 7, 8 and 9 Ms Lisa Jones Tel 778323 323
Years 10 and 11 Mrs Sarah Silva Tel 778331 331
Years 12 and 13 Mrs Pauline Carroll Tel  778391 391