School Uniform

Uniform Guide

Uniform affordability statement

Equipment List

All of our uniform is available from RICARA Schoolwear, 3 Arundel Road, Littlehampton. Tel: 01903 723843 but you can purchase what you need from any High Street shop except for the badge for your blazer, skirt, the optional navy v-neck pullover, tie, PE kit only available at Ricara.

Ricara Angmering School Uniform Prices

Our Uniform is an Angmering School blazer and tie with a white shirt. Black tailored trousers, black tailored knee length shorts, or the school tartan skirt with black leather or leather look shoes.

Blazers are to be worn at all times, including between lessons. It may only be removed if the teacher approves of removal, the students are playing games at break/lunch or the Head Teacher deems the weather is too hot. The Headship Team reserves the right to ban any items considered high fashion.


  • Navy Blue Blazer : Compulsory for all students
  • Blazer Badge : Compulsory for all students (badges are already fitted on blazers bought from Ricara) 
  • White Cotton School Shirt (Years 7-9) : Compulsory for all students
  • Light Blue Cotton School Shirt (Years 10-11) : Compulsory for all students
  • Black School Trousers or Angmering Knee Length School Skirt  : Compulsory for all students (students can opt for their preference) 
  • Plain Black Leather School Shoes : Compulsory for all students (TRAINERS ARE NOT PERMITTED / NO SPORTS BRANDS) 
  • Black or Grey School Socks : Compulsory for all students
  • Angmering School Tie : Compulsory for all students


In PE students are required to have their PE kits for every lesson even if they are ill or injured, unless the nature of the injury prevents them from getting changed. 

  • Angmering PE Polo Shirt : Compulsory for all students 
  • Navy/Green PE Shorts, Navy Tracksuit Bottoms or Leggings (unbranded) : Compulsory for all Students (students can choose which to wear) 
  • Angmering PE Skort : Optional (as an alternative to items immediately above)
  • Navy Football Socks (Outdoor Sports) and White Socks (Indoor Sports) : Compulsory for all Students
  • Navy/Green Hooded Jumper : Optional
  • Trainers (with correct support) : Compulsory for all Students
  • Gum Shield : Compulsory for all Students
  • Studded Football Boots : Compulsory for all Students 
  • Shin Pads : Recommended 

 Uniform Rules

  • Skirts must be knee length.
  • Students can wear own coats but they must be removed in class.
  • Hoodies, tracksuit tops, cardigans are not permitted, even when worn in
    place of a coat
  • Ties to be tied correctly. They should clearly show the “A” logo.
  • Shoes must be of a reasonable height.
  • Tights or socks may be worn, but not both. All tights must be natural
    coloured or black. Fashion tights or patterned tights are not permitted.
  • Make-up must be subtle. If it is heavy and obvious, students will be asked
    to remove it.
  • Eyelashes: Artificial eyelashes are also not allowed.
  • One single, or one pair of small stud-earrings only. No other piercings are
    permitted and students will be asked to remove them if they arrive with any
    other piercings.
  • Small necklaces only, and these are to be tucked-in , Bracelets, bangles,
    beads, large rings and anklets are NOT allowed.
  • Nails must be no longer than two millimetres above the fingertip. No nail
    polish, fake nails or acrylic nails are allowed.
  • Hair accessories must be navy, black, white, or neutral (hair) colour. Hair
    slides must be simple and without decoration.
  • Hair, if coloured, must be a natural colour (i.e. not red, green, etc.)
    Belts, if necessary, should be black.
  • Scarves may be any colour but must be removed in lessons.
  • No tattoos.
  • No coloured / black t-shirts under shirts. Plain white vests will be allowed
    in winter.


IMPORTANT: If your child is out of school uniform, for any reason, they will need a note from you and then they can go to
Student Services first thing in the morning to get a permission card for missing uniform. Genuine medical reasons require
a card signed by a member of the Headship Team.

The school maintains a stock of ‘nearly new’ uniform which can be bought at significantly reduced prices. Please contact student support for further details. Any families who experience financial difficulties can contact the school in confidence regarding subsidised uniform items for their children. Please contact your child’s Year Team Leader in the first instance.