Key Staff Contact Info

Our approach to ensuring every student succeeds also focuses on developing them as individuals and providing the best, tailored, pastoral care. We endeavour to teach respect and acceptance, create individuality, provide a safe space to learn, and to encourage well-rounded, empathetic students.

Each tutor group is led and supported by a tutor who oversees the students’ welfare and learning development. Tutor Groups spend time together everyday which we believe is vital to providing regular pastoral care and a well-being check in with all our students. The tutor will get to know the group well and this will promote a relationship in which the student will feel confident and able to communicate easily.

Each Year Group is led by a Year Team Leader and supported by Student Support Officers and a member of Year Team Admin. This team works to ensure maximum student progress and welfare. The Student Services Team are available throughout the day and offer support and guidance to all our students.

Student Admin

Telephone : 01903778323

Extension : 323

Email :

Year Team Leaders

Telephone : 01903778317

Extension : 317

Email :

Telephone : 01903778303

Extension : 254

Email :


Telephone : 01903778311

Extension : 311

Email :

Telephone : 01903778338

Extension : 338

Email :

Telephone : 01903 778339

Extension : 339

Email :

Student Support Officers

Telephone : 01903778351 

Extension : 260

Email :

Telephone : 01903778389

Extension : 389

Email :

Sixth Form

Telephone : 01903778356

Extension : 356

Email :

Telephone : 01903778394

Extension : 394

Email :

Telephone : 01903778391

Extension : 391

Email :

If your concern is urgent and other staff have been unable to respond you can contact the headteacher, Mr Liley, via