Amazing Angmering pair step down after a combined 85 years of service!

23 Jun 22

Mr Eric Holmes and Mrs Anne Prior, both of Angmering, recently stepped down from their voluntary roles as Trustees of the Lavinia Norfolk Centre Trust and as governors of The Angmering School. Mr Holmes joined the board of governors in 1976 and has given 46 years of voluntary service to the school, together with many years as a Trustee of the associated charity. Mrs Prior is a relative spring chicken, having joined the board in 1978, a mere 44 years ago!

As both governors and trustees they have given their time and energy free of charge for the benefit of the students and staff of the school. Their efforts as trustees of the Lavinia Norfolk Centre Trust have seen them support the raising of hundreds of thousands of pounds which has gone to support the enrichment of hundreds of children's lives. 

Mr Simon Liley, the headteacher of the school and a trustee of the charity said "It is incredibly rare to witness such utter dedication and commitment, over such a sustained period of time, to a voluntary position. Both the school and the Trust feel exceptionally lucky to have benefited from Eric and Anne's support and hard work over the last 46 years. We wish them all the very best for the future."