Danceathon 2022

30 Nov 22

On Tuesday 29th November, over 80 students and Mrs Hodson-Prior, Miss Robinson, Mr Jenner, Miss Spight, Mrs Knox, Mrs Smith, Mrs Knight and Mrs Carr took part in our Dance-A-Thon, dancing from 9 in the morning until 9 in the evening to raise money for their Dance Live performance in February! The students took part in a range of Dance classes led by guest teachers, including Hip-Hop, Contemporary, Ballet and Commercial, as well as a Christmas Disco, Strictly Come Dance-A-Thon, and rehearsals for their Dance Live performance. 

The students were a credit to the school and really pushed through the final couple of hours leading up to 9pm (even when the tiredness started to kick in!) The students brought the Christmas spirit to Dance-A-Thon to keep the momentum going and it worked. A huge well done to everyone involved - Mrs Hodson-Prior and Miss Robinson are extremely proud!