Important Information for GCSE and A level students

26 Aug 22

Important Information for GCSE and A level students.

Dear students and parents/carers,

I am writing to express our sincere apologies for the technical issues this morning which led to the release of a press release containing some students' summary grades before they had received their grades via the email system. This error occurred due to a change to our school information management system over the summer break and we are investigating the precise cause in order that similar errors do not happen in the future. 

All students' grades were due to be issued to them via secure email at 10:55 this morning (with students able to collect them in person from 9:00 a.m if they wished) and we then issued a celebratory press release with some summary grades for the top attaining and progressing students at 11:00 a.m. 

We were not aware that the students' emails had been 'held' in the management system rather than being sent as planned. This only became apparent when our IT team checked the servers following concerns expressed by parents/carers. 

If any students, GCSE or A Level  have not yet received their results please email Mrs Brown, our exams officer on uk and she will forward them to you.

Please accept my sincere apologies if this technical error affected you or your child. 

Kind regards,

Simon Liley, Headteacher