The Oliver Rumbol Award 2022


 The Oliver Rumbol Award was founded in 2019 in memory of a former student of The Angmering
School who left a lasting impression on the staff and his peers as someone who embodied resilience
and positivity in the face of adversity.

Oli was an exceptional student, but what made him remarkable was his strength of will and
determination to find the silver lining in even the darkest cloud. His life was, much of the time, an
ongoing battle associated with his condition, Cystic Fibrosis - and yet, those he left behind do not
remember him for the difficulties, but his immense successes and his inspirational outlook
regardless of the hand he had been dealt. Oli’s ambitions reflected exactly the same, he wanted to
give his life to medicine, to become a doctor, and to help others the way so many brilliant doctors
had helped him.

Oli returned home towards the end of his second year of Medical School due to failing health and
needing the support of his family. His altruistic nature led him back to Angmering where he
mentored students about to take their exams in Science, he never gave up on making a difference to

Since the award was founded, students in Year 11 who stand out from their peers for their resilience
and positivity are nominated by the teaching and support staff. The students having received the
award are Oli himself, Olivia Gregory, Freddy Ireland and this year Jack Freeman. All of these
students showed exceptional resilience in the face of adversity during their time at Angmering and
we couldn’t be more proud of them.

Miss C Savage and Mr S Liley