Year 7 Creative Writing

27 Sep 22

Year 7 have been working on creative writing techniques and this brilliant piece is by Hamish McMurray. Well done Hamish, fantastic work! 

Object derived characters

As he paced around the study, deep in thought, he stroked the silvery wisp of a beard and struggled to connect the dots.  The dusty old radio he had on his desk cracked with endless static, a white noise he found helped him to focus. His long grey jacket hung from the coatrack in the corner, swaying in the slight breeze. “This is simply too vexing,” he thought and sat down in his tatty armchair and sighed in frustration.  His business card lay on the table next to him, ‘Murdock detectives’ it read. With another sigh, he gazed over at his wife’s ole rose, withered and shrivelled now. “This case is so strange,” he thought. “I wish I could make sense of it all.”

Setting the scene

Various pills and medicines lay strewn across the floor among stacks of discarded files and documents, many of which had not been read for decades.  The room was in dismay, moss and mildew coating the walls and ceiling.

A rusty syringe lay on a table next to a rusted key for one of the nearby cells.  All of the cells in the asylum were now full to the brim with weeds, rust, pests and parasites. The building itself was dilapidated and crumbling, abandoned for decades.  Birds flew freely in and out the holes in the walls. Any time something moved in the empty hallways a cacophonous echo rant out through the complex. 

By Hamish McMurray Year 7