
What are the key features of the programmes of study?
In Years 7, 8 and 9, Drama allows students to work imaginatively, creatively and collaboratively. Students become involved in role-play and learn through practical engagement. Lessons follow a variety of themes and issues, which in turn assists students’ learning across the whole curriculum and allows for the improvement of
self-esteem, communication skills and teamwork.  Students will also confidently become aware of how to effectively evaluate work and progress. Developing quality speaking, listening and reflective skills are a focus of all Drama lessons.

What will my child learn?
Students will mainly cover scripted and devised work. Through this, genres of physical theatre, musical theatre, realism, abstract theatre and a study of the history of theatre allows engaging and exciting work to be created. Students will work extensively on acting skills; voice, movement, emotion, meaning, and message. Within this, students will develop refined performance skills and understand what is required to be a successful performer and ensemble. 
In Year 9, students who opt to study Drama spend three hours per fortnight in the department. Devised Theatre is the initial focus in year 9.  Students will study company work, form, structure and audience impact. When moving onto scripted pieces students will look at Musical Theatre, Physical Theatre and practitioners such as Brecht, Stanislavski and Artaud.

What homework and enrichment opportunities will my child have?
Homework is set towards the end of each unit and will generally be a reflection on class work and/or rehearsals. All homework will be uploaded on to Class Charts. Parents and carers can support students by checking the website and talking with their son or daughter about the work.  Students are encouraged to take part in productions and lunchtime clubs.

How is my child assessed?
The Drama Department use three main areas for assessing student progress: Creating, Performing and Evaluating. The teacher will assess progress and understanding and award an overall progress grade in reports.

What equipment is needed?
No equipment is specifically required, students are, however, recommended to wear school trousers or bring leggings/jogging bottoms to move freely. Students are expected to take shoes off for drama lessons.

KS3 Drama Learning Journey

Examination Board:  AQA   Course Number: 8261

What is the course about?
The value of drama in education is highly respected at The Angmering School.   Drama offers students the exciting and invigorating challenge of performance and creative study. Within these experiences, students will develop skills and knowledge on theatrical style and form, practitioner approaches, live theatre analysis and vocal and physical technique. Students will find they significantly develop their self-esteem, well-being, emotional intelligence and self-awareness. 

What skills and ideas will I learn?
You will learn to work creatively within groups of various sizes; to analyse and evaluate the dramatic processes of exploration, rehearsal and performance; to reflect and evaluate your practice and the work of others. You will also develop skills in self-confidence, teamwork, production process and communication. You will learn what it is to be a successful performer and how to competently reflect on drama and its impact.

How is the course assessed?
The GCSE course accredited by Ofqual offers students two live performances; one devised and one scripted. A summative exam based on theatre knowledge, a set text and a live theatre performance ends the two years study. A formative coursework log is kept for each performance. 

A visiting examiner attends the scripted performance and awards a grade in the second year of study. Prior to this, mock performance exams will take place. Devised performances are marked internally and moderated externally, with a portfolio of supporting evidence. 

Students who wish to take Drama into KS4 will be engaged in current Year 9 lessons, disciplined and willing to learn creatively.

What will the course allow me to progress to in the future?
Theatre Studies at A Level and/ or BTEC Level 3 Performing Arts.  Students wishing to study Drama or Theatre Studies at University or go to Drama school should look to have A Level/ BTEC courses on their application.  The course also develops skills for entering the world of Marketing, Media, Law, Communications and Personnel work. The ability to present, promote, work as part of a team and be creative are the essential attributes of most successful careers, skills which are developed in any drama course.  Learning drama skills will enable students to survive in an increasingly competitive world. 

If you would like more information about the drama courses offered, please contact Vicky Scales, Subject leader for Drama via the contact us page.

KS4 Drama Learning Journey

Students are able to attend multiple Drama clubs throughout the year and get involved in Christmas and Summer productions. Our current extra-curricular clubs include: 

KS3 Drama Club- Year 7, 8 & 9
Angmering Connections- Year 9, 10 & 11
Musical Theatre Club- all year groups

Students Say 

"Drama gives me a chance to express myself creatively whilst learning lots of new skills and

"I have loved learning about different styles of theatre and the multiple ways you can perform a story. I have also
loved being able to step into someone else's shoes; becoming any character I want!"