Media Studies

Our Media Studies curriculum learning journey.


Examination Board:  WJEC Eduqas Course code: 603/1115/0 

What is the course about? 

The course will give you an invaluable understanding of how media products are constructed by studying a range of texts from print and audio visual media, including TV, film, magazines, radio, video games and websites. You will discover how media texts communicate to specific audiences and you will develop the technical skills to make professional-looking media texts.

What skills and ideas will I learn?

The skills you will need and build on are:

Detailed analysis: reflection on and comparison of different texts, communication and presentation skills, production techniques and technical skills, evaluation skills.

The content of the course includes:

Introduction to Media Language, Audiences and Institutions, Audience Research, Issues in Representation, Film Marketing and Genre.

How is the course assessed? 

Controlled assessments (investigations and practical work) 30%

2 Exams worth 70% in total

What will the course allow me to progress to in the future?

Further study of the media either at A-level or BTEC Level 3, careers in the media, journalism, film studies, photography, business, public relations and marketing.