
What are the key features of the programmes of study?

Music is one of the ten National Curriculum subjects that secondary schools are required to teach according to nationally set requirements. These are referred to as Programmes of Study. The attainment targets are:

1. Controlling sounds through singing and playing – performing skills

2. Creating and developing musical ideas – composing skills

3. Responding and reviewing – appraising skills, listening, and applying knowledge and understanding


What will my child study in Year 7?

Students will study six projects to include a wide range of topics such as reading and playing music, keyboard skills, composing melodies, creating mood music and learning to use music technology.


What will my child study in Year 8?

Students will study six projects to include understanding the structure of music: Reggae Music, The Blues, Ground Bass Variations, and Understanding Pop Song Performance.


What will my child study in Year 9?

Students will study six projects to include: World Music, Convention of Popular Music, Individual/Group Performance, Understanding Film & Video Game Music, Songwriting and Samba.


What homework and enrichment opportunities will my child have?

One piece of evaluation homework for every topic covered.

The following extra-curricular activities are currently available at lunchtime: Vocalise, Blue Monkeys (Jazz band), theory & workshops for KS4, Band Shack (for bands to rehearse restrictions permitting). Lessons are available on a wide range of instruments, including drum kit, electric guitar, woodwind, string instruments, keyboard, DJing, piano, brass and voice. Details can be obtained from the Music Department.  Concerts are regular features of the extra-curricular range of activities and a high standard of commitment and involvement is encouraged.


How is my child assessed?

All students keep an assessment and progress log using Google Classroom, which is completed periodically through a term.  Listening, composing and performing are peer and self-assessed, although it is the teacher’s mark that is entered in the Teacher Record File.


How are the groups organised?

Students are taught in mixed-ability groups in Year 7, 8 and 9.

100% coursework - 2 internally assessed modules and 1 externally assessed module.

What does the qualification cover?
The Tech Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific applied knowledge and skills through realistic vocational contexts. The main focus is on four areas of equal importance, which cover the:

development of key skills that prove learners’ aptitude in music, such as responding to a musical brief using musical skills and techniques
processes that underpin effective ways of working in the music sector, such as the development of musical ideas, and using skills and techniques for rehearsal, creation, production and performance to respond to a music brief
attitudes that are considered most important in the music sector, including personal management and communication
Knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, processes and attitudes in the sector, such as musical skills and styles.


Topics that you can study:

Experience in planning.
Completing and analysing a music performance.
The ability to develop and hone their performance within a rehearsal space.
Knowledge of planning, promoting and running a live music event.
A greater understanding of music and the responses it brings out of an audience.
Understanding of styles and genres of music and how they have developed.
The ability to compose to a set brief or criteria.



A requirement of the course are 3 modules:

Component 1 - an in-depth research. Learners will explore the techniques used in the creation of different musical products and investigate the key features of different musical styles.
Component 2 – Instrumental/Performance development - Learners will have the opportunity to develop two musical disciplines through engagement in practical tasks, while documenting their progress and planning for further improvement.
Component 3 - Learners will be given the opportunity to develop and present music in response to a given music brief, with added compositional tasks.

Skoolfest 2022