Dance Live

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On the 8th February 2022 our Dance Live Team (years 11-13 including nine 6th form students) participated in the Dance Live Competition at Portsmouth Guildhall Theatre with our piece 'Shattered'. This explored the idea of mental health and wellbeing, and specifically internet trolling, through the story of the Snow Queen.
Although we did not qualify for the final, we won the highest mark for costume and the Fellowship Award, which was voted for by all of the other schools/colleges competing on the night. The students were true ambassadors for our school and maintained our reputation for producing exceptional work.
Thank you so much to Sarah Smith for all her help with costumes, Mr Godsmark for the soundtrack, Will Hudson for our projection, Daisy Wallis and Alivia-Lily Burford for props, Millie Justice, Antony Kirk and Holly Street for the 'Road to Dance Live video', our incredible stage crew headed up by Mr Pearson and all of the staff that accompanied and supported on the day.