NEON Award for Widening Access to HE

The Angmering School were delighted to win the NEON School or College Widening Access Award, for our work in successfully supporting learners from under-represented groups to enter university.
NEON (National Education Opportunities Network) is the professional organisation supporting those involved in widening access to higher education (HE). NEON enables those working to widen access to HE at all levels and in all sectors to effect change in their own organisations and communities. The NEON Awards provide a platform to celebrate the success of this work and the transformative power that higher education can have on the lives of learners.
Nominated by our Widening Participation partner, The University of Bath, the criteria for this award is:
- Clear statistical evidence of success in supporting the progression of learners from underrepresented groups to HE.
- A clear description of what the school or college does to support the progression of learners from under-represented groups to HE in terms of activity with learners, either in partnership with HE/other external organisations to the school/college, or activity delivered by the schools/colleges themselves.
- Clear evidence of strategic and organisational commitment to supporting progression of learners from under-represented groups to HE and how this manifests itself.
The University of Bath supported their nomination for our school with the following statement:
"The Angmering School is dedicated to the success and progression of disadvantaged students and progression to Higher Education. Their work to achieve this is supported from the top, is strategically led and supported across the school. They take a holistic approach to this work, engaging with higher education institutions and employers positively and effectively to support disadvantaged students in a range of different ways. They have planned and put into practice an effective programme of information advice and guidance, curriculum support, and transition skills development, alongside mentoring and personal support that has proven to be very successful in supporting the progression of under-represented groups to HE. During the covid pandemic the innovation support provided to the most vulnerable students were immediate in terms of school attendance and behaviour. Longer term outcomes are demonstrated by the intended progression data of the students which show intended applications in 2021/22 for Level 3 courses at 67%, and those who are pupil premium at 32%."
NEON expressed how the shortlisting was a difficult process, and it highlighted the excellent work that is being carried out by both institutions and individuals across the United Kingdom. The NEON Awards provide a platform to celebrate the success of this work and the transformative power that higher education can have on the lives of learners.
Gavin Bowles, Work Related Manager and Careers Officer at The Angmering School, travelled to London to attend the awards held at the Palace of Westminster along with other representatives from schools, colleges and universities from across the UK and was over the moon to receive the award.
Mr Bowles said: "Receiving this award on behalf of The Angmering School was testimony to the hard work and dedication our students have shown accessing both The Bath Scholars and The Be Ready programmes. Without the support of our Headship or our wonderful Pastoral team we would not have achieved such praise and admiration for our good practice."
Mr Liley added: “I am thrilled that the excellent work which Mr Bowles and the wider staff team do to promote Higher Education to disadvantaged students has been recognised at a national level. This is a great reflection of their excellent work to promote both ambition and courage in our students. We will continue to build on this work and ensure that our students see Higher Education as a viable pathway no matter what their circumstances.