Reporting Absence

Let us know if you are unable to attend

If you cannot get into college for any reason, such as illness or travel issues, you must let us know as soon as possible on the day and before your first lesson. You can do this in any of the following ways:

  • Email 

  • Telephone 01903 778391, leave a voicemail if necessary stating name and reason for absence

  • Via Text Messaging to our Absence Line - 07860054571 - Please state the student's full name and reason for absence clearly, not just 'I am not in today' (Please note this number cannot receive calls).

  • If you are able, it is courteous to also email teachers to let them know and arrange to catch up on missed work

If you come into sixth form but then need to leave at any point during the day, e.g. feeling unwell, please see Pauline in the 6th form office so that she can mark you out of the relevant lessons.

Attendance Procedures and Expectations

We take attendance very seriously in 6th form. At the start of the academic year we ask all students to sign a Student Agreement which includes a commitment to maintain attendance of at least 90% (unless there are mitigating circumstances) since this is a key factor in achieving your potential on your courses. We will intervene if we have concerns about your attendance. Poor attendance may also mean that you will not be entered for external exams unless you pay for them yourself.

  • If you miss a lesson without giving a reason in advance, your teacher will mark you as 'absent without explanation' and you will be sent a text (usually before the end of that lesson) asking you for the reason for absence. A similar text will be sent to your parent/carer to make them aware that you were marked absent on a register. The text will refer to the specific lesson (period) that you missed. If no reason is given by the end of the day, from either the student or parent/carer, the mark will be changed to 'unauthorised absence'.

  • Please provide a letter from your GP to support frequent or long-term absence due to ongoing medical issues.

  • Please notify us in advance (or by 8.30am on the day if unwell) for all reasons for absence, and provide evidence where possible. 

We will authorise:
  • Sickness. We expect you to attend college when you have mild symptoms that can be helped with over-the-counter remedies, such as period pains, hay fever or a headache.
  • Doctor / Hospital / Dental / Orthodontist appointments. All medical/dental appointments should be booked after college or in school holidays wherever possible. If it is unavoidable to miss lesson(s) for a medical appointment, please provide evidence (e.g. appointment card, appointment text or copy of hospital appointment letter). Students are expected to come into college before and/or after their appointments unless agreed otherwise. Please give us 24 hours’ notice of medical appointments unless it is an emergency.
  • Religious holidays
  • Unavoidable travel disruption. Please notify us as soon as you become aware
  • University open days, visits or interviews. 
  • Practical and Theory driving tests.  
  • Funerals.  
  • Job interviews.
  • Work Experience placements (although please discuss with Pauline first if you are planning work experience outside the allocated week).
  • Sport or Performing Arts competitive events. Please complete this form at least 2 weeks in advance, signed by a parent/carer, and give it to Pauline in the 6th form office. absence request form 
We will not authorise:
  • Holidays.  We are unable to authorise holidays in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances; this is in line with West Sussex and government guidance. Nevertheless we need a record of the request at least 2 weeks in advance. Please complete this form, signed by a parent/carer, and give it to Pauline in the 6th form office. absence request form 
  • Driving lessons. 
  • Leisure activities including birthday outings.
  • Looking after younger siblings, dropping off/picking up from school 
  • Paid employment (including last minute arrangements to cover at work)
  • Waiting in for a delivery or tradesperson. 
  • Tiredness after working evening/weekend shifts
  • Routine dental check-ups (i.e. not as part of ongoing treatment)
What happens if a lesson is cancelled?

If a teacher is unavailable to take a lesson in person, they will set work for you to do in their absence and the register will be coded as 'class cancelled, work set'. We do not normally have cover in place for 6th form lessons as students are considered old enough to complete their work independently without supervision. This can be done in the timetabled classroom, 6th form Study Room or other quiet space in the 6th form. You are free to work at home if more convenient, e.g. if the cancelled lesson is at the beginning or end of your day.