Student Advice & Support

Student Advice & Support 

The step from GCSEs to A levels/Level 3 is a significant one and creates its own set of challenges.  This is also a time when a young person may experience a lot of change in their personal life, and at Angmering we provide support to help you as you become an independent and increasingly self-reliant young adult.

Your Tutor

Through our Bursary Scheme, we can support students from low income backgrounds.

Welfare & Counselling 

Our Sixth Form Pastoral Coordinator, Emily Davies, is on hand to provide one-to-one support to our students.  We have a dedicated Wellbeing Room in Sixth Form which students can use if they need a quiet space to come and regather their thoughts, or to talk things through.  The room also has a range of useful mental health and wellbeing resources available for students to read or take away with them.   We also have access to qualified counsellors here and our staff are trained to deal with sensitive issues in a compassionate and supportive manner

Support Directory

Gifted & Talented 

If you have been identified as gifted and talented in a particular area, you will get all the support and encouragement you need here. We run a programme of preparation for our potential Oxbridge, Russell Group, and Medicine/Dentistry/Veterinary Science applicants, taking students to the Universities and running mock interviews.  We encourage our Gifted and Talented students to take the AQA Extended Project Qualification.