The Governors Details and Minutes

The Governors are a well informed and committed group who work as a team to serve the school and foster its aims.

They are entrusted to maintain and develop the school’s goal of outstanding provision. The Governing Body act as a critical friend to the school, by providing support and constructive challenge.

In all our work, the Governing Body focuses on the key issues of:
  • Raising standards of achievement
  • Establishing high aspirational expectations
  • Promoting effective teaching and learning

Governors Meeting minutes



·         Mrs N Hamilton-Street (LEA)


Local Education Authority Representatives

·         Mrs N Hamilton-Street - Chair


·         Mr S Liley

Co-opted Governors
  • Mrs H Beeby
  • Mr P Carr
  • Mrs S Charlesworth 
  • Mr M Fielder
  • Mr J Gisby
  • Mr S Kingsley
  • Mrs C Mitchell
  • Mr S Smith
  • Mrs R Thomas (Vice Chair)
  • Mrs L Young

 Parent Governors

·         Mrs S Genge

·         Mrs C Miller

Staff Governors

·         Mrs H Knox

Associate Governors

·         Ms D Dyson

·         Miss L Brooks

Clerk to Governors

·         Ms E Nolan


If you would like to communicate with the School’s Governors, please contact :

Mrs Hamilton-Street Chair of Governors

c/o Mrs  Nolan Clerk to TAS Governing Body

The Angmering School

Station Road


BN16 4HH

Or via email to the Clerk, Mrs Nolan at


Governors of The Angmering School details

The Angmering School Governors Whos Who - December 2023

Governors Diversity Evaluation